Monday, April 7, 2008

Letter from Risa, Devotee of Bhagavan from Greece

Hello Swamiji,

I just arrived to my village after 2 weeks at Athens. I had to do some work there, sell some clothes and it is only now that I came to see my family and settle my things. I have been doing very fine, sometimes I had time to practice, sometimes not but I never felt disconnected from God. Actually I think that it is impossible now for me to disconnect from Him even though the situation around me doesn't help me to practice at all. I saw my mother and she is very happy with my progress, she noticed that I seem much more mature now, and most of my friends too. And the fact is that I feel very firm to what I am now. That's why I think that it would be very difficult to stray from the path chosen for me. It is not a matter of me leaving it; It won't leave me!!!! I mean that, my mind has been very quiet, and I surely enjoy this quietness. I also tested myself in some ways to see whether I could stray, but as I told you it doesn't let me, and I am very happy about that. Other than that everythings going on fine. I got sick but it is a matter of climate change. Anyway, that is all Swamiji, send me news soon.


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