Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maria from mexico writes:

Dear Swamiji...waking up this morning and realising that everything that sorrounds me, all that I see and perceive in my life is my creation, the reality I built up with my beliefs, thoughts and actions, made me feel happy rather than a victim of this so-called"world"...Because if I am the author (I AM) of what all my senses perceive, then I am the one who can rewrite the script of the movie I´m looking at..I´m the one and only who can rearrange the flaws and make the dark turn into light..I really think my beloveds we need to wake up to this Truth if we long to be genuine Warriors of the Light...We must practice every minute of our days trying to remember this Truth, till the day we won´t need the resource of Time anymore...TIME is just serving us for THIS lesson to learn.. that everything we see is US and that God is everywhere, in every situation, in every little thing and every single being...God is desguised in all that happens to us giving us the opportunity to spread our love, our infinite compassion, our faith and generosity...
IN how many people have you REALLY seen God today?..I believe that just practicing this Truth, daily seeing the Divine in every being that walks our path, and wishing them from deep within, everlasting Bliss and Happiness, is one of the best seeds of Good Karma we can plant in our Garden of consciousness...and one day, maybe not far from now, our reality will gloriously change ... God Bless you ALL

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