Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This is a wonderful letter(translated) from Ramsharan(Gulliermo) what he feels about Bhagavan. The letter shows how devoted he is towards Bhagavan

Hare Krishna, Bhagavan is the subtlest vibration in the material world, therefore we perceive as much as our subtle state permits us when we are in front of him. He said almost all the same things in every opportunity on which each one of us has seen him, but now the vibration of Bhagavan makes everything turn out perfectly among the devotees. Everyone among the foreigners showed appropriate and precise behaviour for the situation in which they found themselves. Bhagavan creates this. The foreign devotees made a subtle, expressive and sensitive connection. Devotees who have been practising spirituality for many years have recognised Bhagavan and been inspired to continue finding themselves once again. Every time that we see Him, we are receiving everything. As said by Maharajji, "Bhagavan is God. If you have faith in that, so much the better for you, but even if your faith is not so strong, Bhagavan will always continue to be God". The name is inherent to Bhagavan, just as Bhagavan to the name. He who can measure the infinite existence of God, how it is possible to receive the energy of the all-powerful if we are just small mortals sometimes real, sometimes abstract. As Bhagavan says, let us practise spirituality all the time, not just when we come to the temple to chant, let us practise every moment of the day, always connected with ourselves, aware of our road to clearer consciousness. Now I have begun to realise words that Bhagavan uttered when I met Him three years ago, and now I have begun to realise words that Koji transmitted three years ago, too. As my mind knows that it is itself that plays the games, and although it is merely a player and not the creator of the game, the mind never stops playing, and when I recognise it, it also shows the power of mutating and transforming itself so fast that it once again surrounds me with the coverings of Maya. This time that we have enjoyed the spiritual vibration unique to God cannot be described by mere words, and as Bhagavan said, words are an insult to the supreme silence, but people arrive here hoping for words, so I have to say something. Bhagavan shows us with every action his compassion and the total acceptance of an Ishwarakoti. He manifests in the physical form so that we may have an image that we can easily receive through our senses, he speaks that we may hear him through our senses, he embraces us and shows us affection that we may feel his physical presence and his incarnate form. Although he is all that, he is also completely free in every way, he is the Everything incarnated and also a very simple man, he is the very Bhagavan, and he also likes to take photographs. I have heard many times from various swamijis that it is very difficult to catch and perceive the subtle vibration of Bhagavan. Now that I have been continuing to realise little things, and the information has been being transformed from knowledge to realisation, I have begun to associate the teachings with all these saints that surround us. Now I believe that I can call myself a spiritual aspirant, and now I will be able to begin to live spirituality always, and when I remain quiet, thinking within myself and meditating like Bhagavan himself said just a few days ago. Bhagavan is always giving light to everything and everyone, Bhagavan is the sun in a place that has been dark for many years, Bhagavan is the rope in the darkness. We are just limited existence, and from this limitation we all know that we will not perceive the vibration of the infinite that Bhagavan means. Devotees, come closer to yourselves and do not stop searching for the truth within yourselves, there it resides, and there we must search for it. I love all of you. Hare Krishna Jai Bhagavan

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