Dear ..............,
Thanks for your letter. I hope that you will find exactly what you are searching for. To come to your letter point wise, let me explain you a bit so that it might be easy for you to contemplate about the unseen world and the method of approaching this.
Bhagavan is our spiritual Master. A spiritual master is a person who has not only had reached that state of enlightenment but also knows the way how to guide a person to that state. He is not a person, a Master means the knowledge which manifests through Him. So, when you see people devoted towards Bhagavan or any other spiritual personality, you have to know that, they are actually devoted to the knowledge which comes out of a person through the medium called love. This knowledge makes the illusory faculty of our mind to weaken and thus gradually we move towards the supreme knowledge. So, don't be afraid my friend that you have to devote yourself to a person who will drive you according to His/her will, rather if He is a proper Master, His words will open your heart and enable you to see the truth which is there within you for ages. So, a spiritual Master is a must for enlightenment or to realize the truth, because we cannot even comprehend which is beyond comprehension, but one who had traveled upto that limits does. A Master is but impersonal knowledge and love personified.
If you see the life of Swami Vivekananda, you will see that all knowledge he had was from His Master, Thakur Shri Ramakrishna which was transmitted to Him through a state called Samadhi, a state of union with God or the Self.
Now, what is truth? Truth is the actual identity of yours. Who are you? We associate ourselves with the body, the mind, the ego and the outer world, but in reality, we have no connection with those. We are free from all, we are the ever illuminated knowledge, which only is the source of infinite bliss, peace and divine love. We have to know this identity or the real nature of ours and then shall we become enlightened. Enlightenment or realization of truth is in knowing ourselves in reality, not an assumption or guess, but a certain realization,confirmed knowledge which always stays within our heart even if we are fully engaged into all sorts of worldly activities. Though we are engaged in these worldly activities, a simultaneous knowledge flows through us that we are always unattached from all bindings, that we are the Soul, not the body or the ego. This is a very clear realization my friend and is the source of all heavenly qualities and love.
I have reached that state where I felt myself fully separated from the body, mind, ego and the world and felt oneness with the Self or Soul with the divine mercy of Bhagavan. For this there are steps by which one can gradually approach the truth which is within Him. I can tell you if you like. Hope this letter will make you feel better and strengthen your idea that you are actually in a right path, just that, a Master is needed to show you the proper way to your Self.
With love and best wishes, Swamiji
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