Sunday, March 2, 2008

Swami Probuddhananda, General Secretary , I.V.S. writes the Secretarial report about Bhagavan's Varanasi visit.

Dear Everybody,
Varanasi, the place that has given IVS immortality because this is the place where Bhagavan got the boon of immortality from none other then Lord Shiva. Since then, Varanasi had offered many important and significant hand in the growth and development of IVS. But nothing was so brilliant and enlightening then this visit of Bhagavan from the 17th to the 27th of Feb'08. I have been in Varanasi almost from the very inception of IVS here, but never did I see so much effect of Bhagavan's visit. Neither did I see Bhagaavn so ensured as He was this time. My sincere regards to all the Swamijis and the members and among them specially the IVS girls here who had made this possible.
This time many things had happened but among them the most pleasant development I saw was great combition of the east and the west working hand in hand to make things possible in every sphere. Everybody seemed to know exactly what each one of us had to do, everybody knew what was best for Bhagavan and everybody seemed to be totally knowing what was best for the world as well. The health of Bhagavan was not 100% but as days progressed, we found Him more and more live and pleasant.
Bhagavan didn't speak much as He normally does, but the effect was phenomenal. It was very good that everybody realised that its now time for us to take up the work of Bhagavan. Its not in His body, its Him and everybody seemed to be fully ready to carry Bhagavan with them in their hearts back to their places. Everybody realized the need to carry on a disciplined spiritual life if we have to carry on our work and to take legacy of Bhagavan beyond time and space. We can create this same enviornment back in our places, the only way is to beleive that we can. We can do the same work that Bhagavan has been doing, the only thing required is the sincerity and genuinity He puts on in His efforts. His mere presence makes a difference because all through His life He has been the epitome of truth, a living manifestation of originality. We have to live His life in ourselves. We have not to intimidate but to become one like Him. And this phenomenon has started and as we march on, we will see all His devotees carry the flame of His in their hearts and thats the greatest work that He could do. He had illuminated the light of Knowledge and love to so many people all over the world and as time goes on, I see that all His devotees rise up from their own plane and scatter everywhere in this world showering the glory of humanity and transforming our world into a eternal blissfulness. Just imagine for what a grand work we have been chosen for, what a fortune we have. Jai Bhagavan, Jai Bhagavan Jai Bhagavan.
Now to come to what we are going to do within the next few years. As you all know that 2008 is dedicated to the publicity of IVS, we will stretch it into two more years. That is from 2008 to 2010, we will work in such a way that the message of Bhagavan reaches to the people everywhere. The plan for the immediate next six months is that some of the Swamijis will be visiting places in Spain, England, France , Argentina, Chile and Paraguay and propagate the message of Bhagavan and Vedanata. I urge each and everyone of us to make this effort a mass movement wherever the Swamijis go. Start work from now on. Lets take the full advantage of this. This is the first step.
Once this is complete, some more doors will be open to IVS worldwide. Chances and demand will grow. I will ask everybody of us to be prepared to serve Bhagavan whenever they are required in any part of the world. We should be in the position to make us available whenever and wherever we are needed. Prepare yourself to work globally. IVS is a spiritual organization and out whole life will be spent to distribute spirituality amongst the masses in the way Bhagavan had done, with love. Prepare yourself for this grand finale. Its time, its to come, What I see, it will come soon.
With love and in the service of Bhagavan,
( I request some of you who know the IDs of the new people who had just arrived in the IVS family to send a copy of this to them as well.)
Swami Probuddhananda
General - Secretary
International Vedanta Society.

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