Thursday, March 20, 2008

A letter from Manel, Spain

My eternal love: When I listen to you I feel that what you say it is true. I have to work more for IVS. I understand that when you say that I have to work more, you refer that I must do it in a form more direct, since of indirect form my work for our master and for IVS is 24 hours. I refer to the indirect form like that the message of our master Bagawan goes with me, around the world, I cannot live without it, it is present in each of my acts, this is already a form of work for IVS, then I do coherent my word. But I believe you have reason when you say that I must work more, in the direct sense, speak directly about Bagawan to the people and invite to them ... It is not easy. It supposes a big change of identity. I remember Bagawan to speak about this, he set that an Indian beggar never will estimate a withe chek of a bank, the Indian beggar just want a few rupis because he is not conscious of the value of the paper. happens the same with our ego, alone I have a few rupis of ego, Bagawan provides to me an ego that is like a withe chek, the same ego that then he says to us that we should give up it ultimately. I do not scare to give this step for me, but I scare for the environment, the friends, the family... Here the people have a tremendous fear of the religions, of God, of the sects that steal the money from you and eat the head. I am afraid that they are afraid Equally I feel that every day I work more for it, more opened, more directly. I believe that you shut come here to experiment that reality of our culture. I believe that you are right, but I don't know until point you are conscious of the difference of paradigms that exist between our culture and your culture. India is the spiritual envy of the entire world. So much that already there are many people that believes India as a living Utopia. I believe that your presence, or the presence of some another swamiji, would be beneficial in the sence that the environment cut perceive that IVS is real and truth(it goes with you), that IVS and Bagawan is not a great lie that absorbs money. The world is burning. Cut you understand it? Slightly similar it must happen in the big cities of India, but I do not believe that it happen's in the scale of Europ. With all my love and with hoopeness of that you take a plane towards europ soon. Your friend, your brother and your debotee, Manel. P.D: I will work more for IVS seens now. Eternal love. Manel, karamjot singh

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